Psykopaint downlaod
Psykopaint downlaod

  • Caption that describes how you edited the photo, and the tools you used (ex.
  • Title for Each Pictures (ex: A Calm River.
  • You should show evidence of using several different brushes (at least 3) with in your 6 photos. Play around with the tools available to you.
  • Go to and choose to Upload your own picture, try one of their samples or start from scratch.
  • psykopaint downlaod

    If you do not have any photos you may use PskoPaint's sample pictures. If you did not, you may use an online social media tool to obtain photos to work with. Note: To begin this task should have brought in a flash drive with several photos that you have selected to edit or use the photos you brought in from our first task.

    #Psykopaint downlaod software

    Task 2: Edit 6 photos using PsykoPaint Software When you are finished with your poster complete the student portion of your final rubric!

    psykopaint downlaod

    Don't start the essential question yet, that will be finished at the end of the unitĥ.Add the images you created to your IT portfolio (Wix).A border was also added along with text.) -Try to avoid using "I did. This photo was created in Pizap using the hue and saturation adjustment settings. Title for Each Pictures (ex: Collage of Friends).You must ensure your poster has the following elements: To present your work you must create a poster using either Publisher (PC) or Pages (Mac). -Bring stickers/text/images to the front, and send them to the back.

    psykopaint downlaod

    You should show evidence of using the following features in your 6 edited photos. Go to and choose to Edit, Design, or Create a Collage.If you do not have access to that, you may choose images from our Multimedia folder. Note: To begin this task should have brought in a flash drive with several photos that you have selected to edit. Task 1: Edit 6 photos using Pizap software

    Psykopaint downlaod